LauraVipEscort Activities
In order to be able to fully enjoy romantic communication (Girlfriend experience), I prefer to arrange a longer date. In this way, it will be possible to communicate without rushing, so that there will be enough time for acquaintance and flirting. With only an hour, we will not experience the full aspects of romantic communication, or experience them more superficially. What I do and what I don't do depends on whether I feel comfortable doing it, which is individual. Communication between two people is always unique and unrepeatable. Romantic communication can include verbal flirting, soft French kisses, seductive eye contact, caresses, tenderness, seductive touches, etc. All of this can happen before sex, between repeats, and instead of sex—there is no one-size-fits-all rule. The action can take place in bed, on the couch, or at the table with a glass of champagne in hand. Romantic communication helps to create a cozy and intimate atmosphere.
I will always meet you dressed in stylish and erotic underwear. There are no exceptions to this. Well, unless you want me to have no underwear under my clothes at all. It is possible that way. So, you will see me in sexy underwear, high heels and an elegant dress. I like black underwear the most. However, I will be happy to consider your wishes. It's just that you should let me know before you arrive so that I can dress appropriately for our date. I have a lot of erotic, luxury black, white, red underwear in my drawers - panties, bras, corsets, stockings, catsuits, etc. - all this is waiting for the moment when it could decorate my body and tempt your eyes. I can dress up in soft, romantic underwear or one that emphasizes my role as a ruler.
I like to play with myself and feel a man watching me passionately. At first, by gently touching my body, I will give you visual pleasure and excite you. I like to play with my balls, nipples, hair, caress my belly and thighs, and when the lust arises I start touching my pussy and switch to a passionate vibro show. I will stimulate myself with my fingers and a vibrator. The gentle and energetic movements of the vibrator will drive me crazy until I experience an orgasm. I especially like the anal vibro show, but this kind of game requires the right mood and time.
Labai mėgstu daryti oralinuką. Vienas mano mėgstamiausių sekso elementų yra ilgas, lėtas, liežuvingas žaidimas su vyro peniu. Sutinku, kad prezervatyvas, kurį visuomet naudoju, gali atimti dalį malonumo, tačiau saugumas yra mano prioritetas, todėl niekada nesutinku daryti oralinio be apsaugos. Didesniam malonumui naudosiu pačius ploniausius prezervatyvus. Bet, tai nėra blogai – netekę dalies malonumo, galėsite ilgiau susilaikyti ir mėgautis maloniu procesu. Darant oralinuką mėgstu improvizuoti, žaisti pagal skambančios muzikos ritmą. Taip pat man patinka kai vyras padeda savo rankas man ant galvos ir reguliuoja judesių greitį bei gylį. Tik būkit geri – nespauskite mano galvos žemyn tuomet, kai kėliu ją į viršų – patikėkite, kai norėsiu sustiprinti sprando raumenis, eisiu į sporto salę ir neprašysiu Jūsų pagalbos. O lovoje man patinka švelnumas. Mėgstu daryti gilų oralinį ir praryti jį taip giliai kaip tik galiu 😉
Escort extra activities
You exchange places with the masseuse and enjoy the pleasures of the massage.
You smear her whole body with aromatized oils and massage gently. You can also use aphrodisiac essential oils, oils with flavors that can be applied to lick off the body.
Unlike a relaxing erotic massage, a tantric massage is performed in bed and uses no (or very little) massage oils. During a tantric massage, the action takes place much more slowly, there are no more energetic soothing and patting movements typical of a relaxing erotic massage. The stroking movements are also much softer and slower. Therefore, tantric massage is more like a caress than a regular relaxing massage.
Masažuojant liečiamas visas kūnas, lytiniai organai, bet tai ne tik būdas patenkinti partnerį, bet veikiau dvasinis aktas, kada žmogus liečiamas su begaline meile jo kūnui ir sielai. Masažo metu galima panirti į meditacijai artimą būseną, tarsi savotišką nesvarumo būklę: tai pasiekiama tik visiškai atsipalaidavus, prigesintoje šviesoje, sklindant ramiai muzikai, plevenant ypatingiems kvapams ir mirguliuojant žvakių šviesoms. Masažas daugiausia atliekamas kūnu į kūną – masažuojama krūtimis, pilvu bei sėdmenimis. Tad, jeigu norite daug, daug švelnumo ir kūno prisilietimų – šis masažas Jums tikrai patiks.
Would you like to enjoy a double penetration and penetrate me while I play with my favorite vibrator? You will experience indescribable pleasure from the vibrations emitted by the toy in the other hole.
Do you love feet? Do you want to sniff, kiss and caress them? Craving to lick and suck your toes? My elegant, narrow feet with beautiful ankles and long toes will be happy to engage in our erotic games. I can also massage you with my feet. Love high heels? I will always meet you with beautiful and elegant high heels. I have an impressive collection of high heels - Prada, Emporio Armani, Cascadei, YSL, Dolce y Gabbana, Versace and others. I prefer elegant heels with thin or slightly thick soles, which allow me to walk gracefully and naturally. But if you want, I can put on more vulgar, stripper-style shoes on a thicker platform. At your request, we can include shoes in our games.
Do you dream of experiencing something extraordinary?
I have costumes and experience in implementing various scenarios. Nurse or Doctor, Firefighter or Teacher.
Slapta fantazuojate kaip gulite ant operacinio stalo, o seksualioji slaugytoja stengiasi išgelbėti Jūsų gyvybę bei pasirūpina Jūsų seksualine sveikata? Aistros liepsna taip jus užvaldė, kad padėti galėtų tiktai charizmatiška ir ryžtinga gaisrininkė? O galbūt trokštate įsikūnyti į vaidmenį nedrąsaus, kompleksuoto paauglio, kuriam privalu išlaikyti biologijos ir anatomijos egzaminus? Griežta bei reikli mokytoja baus už kiekvieną neteisingą atsakymą bei elgseną, bet tuo pačiu dosniai apdovanos už teisingus atsakymus bei deramą elgesį. Įgyvendinat Jūsų fantazijas pasitiksiu jus pasirinkto personažo vaidmenyje ir galėsime kartu įgyvendinti Jūsų vaizduotę audrinančią fantaziją. O gal norėtumėte pasipuošti tarytum Drag Queen moteriškais, apatinukais, rūbeliais bei aksesuarais? Mano talpioje rūbinėje tikrai atsiras kažkas, kas Jums labiausiai tiks. Taip pat galėsime persirengti Jūsų atsineštais rūbais. Gyvenimas yra gražesnis kai neribojame fantazijų, bet atvirkščiai – bandome jas kūrybingai įgyvendinti.
My impressive collection of sex toys can spice up our intimate interactions. Vibrators of various sizes, phallus simulators, prostate massagers, anal plugs, etc. You will be able to watch me play with myself and satisfy myself with a vibrator. I'm open to new experiences, so I won't be mad if you want to add something of your own to the games.
Would you like me to become your mistress? Gentle dominance can make our communication much spicier. I will ask you to undress me, take off my shoes, and then touch and kiss me the way I like. With a soft silk scarf, I will be able to tie your hands or blindfold you - not being able to control the situation, you will be forced to simply indulge in pleasures, and not being able to see - sharpens other senses, especially touch, hearing and smell. I have handcuffs, whips and I know very well how to use them all.
Looking for an assistant to help you visit local stores? I could help you find what you are looking for and choose. Need help talking to locals who don't speak English? I will be happy to help you.
Aš džiaugčiausi jeigu pasirinktumėte mano palydą ir galėčiau Jums padėti kuo tik galiu 😉
If we have agreed to spend at least 3 hours, additional activities can be included according to your request. In the case of shorter meetings, the aforementioned activities can be additionally agreed upon.
- I communicate only with men. I do not meet women, couples, nor do I participate in meetings with other escorts.
- I do not engage in the following activities: Sex (classic, oral, anal) without protection; 69; rhyming (neither to me nor to you); golden Lithuanian; BDSM.
- If it is not a date in a restaurant, I would like to meet new people privately (my apartment or your hotel room).